The pathetic, racist, low-energy president, not Jagermeister Noun The Glue Holding This Together Shirt even taken seriously by state news service anymore. The Onion practically writes itself these days. Sean” he whispered. He was lying on his back because the gas this evening was particularly uncomfortable. “You awake?” “Yes, Don.” Sean let out a sigh. He knew it would be another sleepless night in the White House, but these are the sacrifices that – squeak from the mass to his right a tinny trumpeted sound rustled the Ralph Lauren sheets. Thank god the windows are open he thought to himself. “I’m finding it difficult to sleep with”.
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Just as the th sound left his lips, another deep and Jagermeister Noun The Glue Holding This Together Shirt beefy fart had broken through the cottony confines of the once pure-white sheets they often shared. His eyes watered and became hot. “Tell me what’s on your mind.” “Hello Sean, I can’t sleep Sean, I can’t sleep. I’m very tired.. probably more tired than… anybody.. ever. Can you tell me the story, Sean? The one where homeless people get deported? That would be the best possible thing to happen to this country since the New Deal. Yea, seriously, And maybe it’s my adblocker, but the Independent website made it seem like there was a video, but it was just loading. I waited for too long to see there wasn’t.
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